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Case Study - Neil: Exhibitions Intern

Neil De Swart worked at HMS Unicorn as an Exhibitions Intern for a year, a paid role funded by The Mathew Trust and Discover Work Dundee. Here are his reflections on his time at Unicorn: 


I had a placement at HMS Unicorn from March 2022 to March 2023 as an Exhibitions Intern. This meant that I created an exhibition on board the ship as well as some of the digital interpretation. I was also able to gain experience in some front of house work including greeting visitors and answering the phone.

This was my first ever full-time job which I was referred to through Enable. I had done a little bit of voluntary work aboard Unicorn beforehand, and I quite liked the atmosphere and thought the role sounded interesting.

My placement at HMS Unicorn has helped me to learn many new skills. My teamwork has improved as well as my written communication skills and grammar. I have now got a clearer understanding on how a workplace operates – I understand more what is expected of me and the social side of working. I also feel that my confidence has improved – I feel a lot calmer around other people!

I have had struggles with my anxiety and self-doubt but my placement here has helped with this too through meeting nice people, experiencing kindness and people who are willing to engage.

I am most proud of the ‘Treasures of HMS Unicorn’ exhibition that I created as I put a lot of work into it. At the beginning of this placement I never thought that I would be able to do the exhibition because of anxiety and doubt but thanks to the support received here I was able to finish it.

I would definitely encourage the Unicorn Preservation Society to run a placement like this again!



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