• History


    Learn about Unicorn's long and interesting history...

The Unicorn Preservation Society

In preparation of the building of the Tay Road Bridge in 1962, the city’s Earl Grey Dock was to be filled in. As a result, HMS Unicorn’s 89-year berth was to be lost and the Admiralty considered breaking up the ship.

To avoid the destruction of one of the few survivors of Britain’s sailing navy, Unicorn’s previous captain, Jack Anderson, went to the First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Carrington, and argued for the preservation of the ship.

The decision was made to move the ship to a new berth in Dundee’s Victoria Dock and shortly afterwards, the Unicorn Preservation Society (UPS) was formed.

On the 26th September 1968, HRH the Duke of Edinburgh accepted the ship from the Ministry of Defence on behalf of the UPS.

  • Royal Patrons

    HMS Unicorn and the Unicorn Preservation Society have been fortunate to receive the kind support of the nation’s Royal Family for over 50 years.

    The ship’s first Royal Patron was HRH Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother. She became Royal Patron of the UPS in the early 1970s and continued in this role until the early 2000s.

    She was succeeded by her granddaughter, HRH the Princess Royal, who is the current Royal Patron of the UPS.

    Royal Patrons

    HMS Unicorn and the Unicorn Preservation Society have been fortunate to receive the kind support of the nation’s Royal Family for over 50 years.

    The ship’s first Royal Patron was HRH Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother. She became Royal Patron of the UPS in the early 1970s and continued in this role until the early 2000s.

    She was succeeded by her granddaughter, HRH the Princess Royal, who is the current Royal Patron of the UPS.

  • The Work Continues

    Since 1968, the Unicorn Preservation Society has worked to preserve HMS Unicorn for the benefit of current and future generations.

    The UPS is currently working on plans to move the ship into the East Graving Dock in Dundee, securing HMS Unicorn’s long-term preservation in a purpose-built dock that will house the historic ship.


    The Work Continues

    Since 1968, the Unicorn Preservation Society has worked to preserve HMS Unicorn for the benefit of current and future generations.

    The UPS is currently working on plans to move the ship into the East Graving Dock in Dundee, securing HMS Unicorn’s long-term preservation in a purpose-built dock that will house the historic ship.


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