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Celebrating Volunteer Week 2023 - Esther: Volunteer Tour Guide

As part of Volunteer Week 2023, we spoke to Esther, one of our Volunteer Tour Guides, about her experience on the ship

Ester on weather deck

My name is Esther and I started volunteering at HMS Unicorn in May last year as a volunteer tour guide. I was home schooled before this it is my first experience of a workplace and volunteering here has helped me get a part time job and also a new full time job which starts in September.

The bit I enjoy most about volunteering here is interacting with the visitors – I love being able to help them to learn about the history of the ship. Some of them also have family connections to HMS Unicorn and it’s great to hear their stories as well.

Volunteering here has helped me as a person in many ways. I was just 17 years old when I started and didn’t want to go out the house much but coming here has helped to push me out of my comfort zone and my confidence and public speaking skills have improved so much! I am proud of how much I have improved and I can now do tours confidently. I have good feed back on my tours from visitors which makes me feel even more proud. 

I have had many different opportunities through volunteering at HMS Unicorn  - it’s a fantastic experience volunteering in a great atmosphere surrounded by history and supported by a wonderful team.

Also, Diego the ship’s cat is really cute!




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