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Case Study - Savannah: University of Dundee placement

Savannah Standish came to HMS Unicorn for a three month internship as part of her Business Management course at the University of Dundee. Here is her summary of her placement at HMS Unicorn: 


I’m Savannah; I am 19 years old and in my 2nd year studying Business Management at the University of Dundee. As part of my course, I came to the HMS Unicorn to do an internship, which takes a period of over a whole 30 hours.

 My project was to organise an event on board the ship  -I chose to do a ceilidh which took place on the 24th March. A lot of work and planning went into it to make it the best ceilidh possible. I learnt new skills through this such as budgeting, time management and marketing – including designing a poster which helped me with my creative skills.

 Coming to HMS Unicorn also helped me with my confidence  - at the beginning of my placement I didn’t think I would ever be able to plan an event but with the support of Caroline and David I was and I will be able to use what I’ve learned when planning future events.

 My overall experience on the placement was very good. I enjoyed coming here, learning new things and the staff were all very nice and helpful in supporting me throughout my project. Whenever I needed assistance they were there for me and I think this is really good for future voluntary workers here.

 The ceilidh went well – it sold out and everyone who attended really enjoyed their evening of traditional Scottish dancing. This is the thing I achieved on my placement that I am most proud of.